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The Caregiver Wellbeing SIG Welcomes You

A Special Interest Group of the Society of Pediatric Psychology

We are an international group of pediatric psychologists who are dedicated to supporting and uplifting the wellbeing of caregivers for children with medical conditions. Our group is dedicated to promoting caregiver wellbeing through outreach, research, education, and clinical practice innovations.

Caregiver Wellbeing SIG at a Glance

We approach our work recognizing the critical importance of addressing the systems-related needs of pediatric patients, including caregiver wellbeing. Research in multiple pediatric populations has shown that wellbeing, including mental and physical health, can be diminished for a subset of parents. Not only does this affect the parent but it can also lead to less than optimal outcomes for pediatric patients. Clinical best practices have highlighted the importance of addressing caregiver wellbeing and the mission of the Caregiver Wellbeing SIG is to provide a forum for members of SPP to share and learn about working with caregivers in pediatric settings.

A Happy Family

What We Do

Centering Caregivers in All We Do

Couples Therapy

Clinical Practice

We have several initiatives aimed at improving the clinical practice of pediatric psychologists working with caregivers in pediatric medical settings. Our goal is to promote caregiver wellbeing by arming pediatric psychologists with the skills and support needed to work with caregivers.

Image by Jason Goodman


Research on caregiver wellbeing is critical to identify best practices in supporting caregiver wellbeing. Our SIG is working to identify critical directions for caregiver wellbeing research and support members in conducting collaborative research projects.


Connections with caregivers who have lived experience is a critical part of our mission as a group. We aim to both directly disseminate our knowledge to caregivers, but also for our work to be informed by caregivers with lived experience.

Image by Hannah Busing


Education on caregiver wellbeing to clinicians who work with children is critically importance to ensure the needs of caregivers are met. We aim to facilitate high-quality, evidence-based educational opportunities on caregiver wellbeing for professionals working with children and families.

Image by NeONBRAND

“If we value our children, we must cherish their parents”

John Bowlby

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Our Instagram account is designed to provide evidence-based information about caregiver wellbeing directly to parents and caregivers of children with special healthcare needs. Follow along to learn important insights about ways to maximize caregiver wellbeing.

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